dimecres, d’agost 02, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month July

July was such a still and quiet month... I was (still am) on winter break from college and I barely left my house. I worked a little for my next term, but mostly I just was on full-lazy mode. 
There weren't many remarcable pictures this month, and the drawings I made were not properly photograph, so I present you now this scarce selection:

My cat and I were really on the same lazy-mood...
If she wasn't under the covers, she was sleeping ON me, really seizing my time at home. 

I went to an art exhibition one morning at the local university's museum. It was a retrospective of the Braque Prize
It was really interesting, mostly because some of these works are from the period I'm currently researching
A tiny translucent snail I found one morning after the rain

dissabte, de juliol 01, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month June

The end of June brought along the end of school and the begining of winter break. It was a busy month but, for once, I had no nervous breakdowns with deadlines and such things, and all went surprisingly smooth

I'm always amazed when flowers bloom in autumn or winter. 

The view from my grandmother's apartment. The weather that day was inbelievable heavy and, as you can see, threathening with storm.  

A couple of sketches I did for my school project. I'm working with my doll collection and I'm planning on doing portraits of all of them, 

Drawing class' final. This period I felt comfortable and happy with my drawings for the first time since I got to college, so I felt very proud when I got the highest grade possible :D 

The monthly cat picture. There were lots of pictures like this, because during the colder days she wanted to sleep over me no matter what. 

diumenge, de juny 04, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month May

I had no expectations for May, and it turned out being such a lovely month! 

Homework for my drawing classes. Of all the landscapes I had to draw, this was my favorite.

I hosted Tatyana for some days during May too, and I used her as an excuse to visit La Abadía, which used to be a monks' residence and is now a cultural institution. 

The building was left unfinished, so some galleries are roofless. 

It's really a beautiful place! Those galleries were just too lovely, no two chapiters were the same!

And the month's kitty pictures: the later the sun comes up, the chillier the days, the harder the mornings.

So every bit of sun is seized at its fullest!

dimarts, de maig 30, 2017

Gente con la que soñé ayer:

  • James Norton
  • Aidan Turner
  • Gypsy Rose y Dee Dee Blanchard.
Todos en el mismo sueño.

dilluns, de maig 01, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month April

Unlike March, April was such a great month!

For once, instead of just taking pictures, I've been making my own. I'm actually getting used to it. Thanks, college (?)

Chilly days make an extra snuggly and sleepy Leti, even more than usual 
Medora, my latest doll, finally arrived! She's a Barbie, with a curvy body

I was lucky enough to be in the terrace at the exact moment this totally random balloon came out of nowhere

I found this picture hilarious thanks to those overly dramatic sculptures in the background

This is Tatyana, a travelling doll I've been hosting these last days.
I took this picture yesterday, it was such a sunny day (such a sunny weekend, actually)

dissabte, d’abril 01, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month March

March is here like the Monday of the year. Summer ends, which means buh-bye vacations, hello work/college.
And this March was very Monday to me, so... welcome April!

These are my favorite pictures of this month:

After being apart for 17 days, holding this cutie back in my arms left me on the verge of tears of joy.

This was the first time that I actually got to see this succulent's flower. Doesn't it look like it has a leopard print?

On a very sad morning this colorful little butterfly came to brighten up the day

dissabte, de març 04, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month Febuary

This last month went by like a flash, but, at the same time, it feels like I made the January's favorite pics ages ago. I just arrived home after being 17 days away on vacation, so that's probably why I feel that way,
So yes, as you may expect, my favorite pictures for February are from my time off.

I visited a friend at her home in Viedma (914 km from Buenos Aires) and we spent about 10 days in Las Grutas (+193 km).

This is one of the first pictures I took when I arrived. A sight of the old bridge, which connects the cities of Viedma (Río Negro province) and Carmen de Patagones (Buenos Aires Province) across the Río Negro (Black river). 
 Viedma and Carmen de Patagones were founded the same day, April 22nd, 1779, and work together since then, despite belonging to different provinces now (since 1878).
C. de Patagones has a better tourist exploitation of its historic past, so there are a lot of old buildings kept in the historic center of the city. 

This is from Las Grutas. I was astonished by the deep blue color of the sea, because until then the only beaches I knew where those from Buenos Aires, and their sea is quite brownish.

The difference in color is mostly due to the soil. Buenos Aires has a dark and scrambled sand, while in Las Grutas the soil is practically made of stone, as you can see in this picture, taken during low tide. The sea was so far away!

This picture was taken that same day, at San Antonio (W). That fishing boat in the background was aground, of course, but the tide was slowly rising, you might see the water glowing. I never saw before such differences between high and low tides.
This is from a beach by San Antonio (E). The clouds were so low and close!

More of these gorgeous clouds... There was such a storm that night!
That white beach, it'n not sand... it's covered in shells! Walking on them felt like walking on broken tiles
I took this picture yesterday, one of the last sights of C. de Patagones, from Viedma's side. 

dijous, de febrer 02, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month January

January is always such a lazy month for me because 1) unemployed (TBH, more like underemployed); 2) summer break from college and 3) summer in general, I can barely get anything done with such a heavy weather.
So... a lot of free time, a lot of things to do, so little willpower.
I took a gazillion pictures of my cat because I spent most of my time with her.
Here are my favorites in a collage, so I don't bore you too much
I did some gardening for a change. My cactus and succulents endured a lot of negligence from me in the last years, so I started to make things right. After this picture, a couple of pots were added to this collection and since then they have grown so much! There's still some work to do, there are more cactus to be relocated, but this was a nice start

I totally love this glasswork

My mother has been going through some of my grandfather's papers and found all these little souvenirs from that time we (my grandpa and I) went to Europe. He kept EVERYTHING, so that's great for my little collector/hoarder soul.

"I'm going to draw a little every day, so I build the habit and improve my skills" I said to myself.
Well... I drew only 2 days in a row, copying from some of my art books, but I still have the hope I will get something done. 

This month there has been some quality reading!
A total of 6 books, was a great start for my reading challenge, knowing I won't have this much time during college months. 

There's been, of course, some doll playing this month. There were a couple of doll-birthdays in January, one of which was Aglae's. Here she is, looking like a magical girl.

And this month happily ended with a brunch with my dear friend Bárbara. She's been studying in Germany for the last year and a half, and she came back to visit family and friends! We had such a lovely meeting, we talked so much, it was a great day.

dimarts, de gener 24, 2017

Epifanía II

El verano y su calor sofocante se está haciendo largo (aparentemente vamos a tener un par de días de respiro después de la lluvia de hoy). Dormir se hace difícil, especialmente por cierta gatita que se tomó la costumbre de entrar y salir 20 veces por la ventana durante la noche (las noches están frescas afuera, mientras la casa se mantiene casi tan cálida como durante el día). Todas esas veces tengo que estar despierta para abrir y cerrar la ventana (digamos, más bien, el tejido), para que no entren bichos y alimañas indeseables (tengo la idea de que los alacranes no trepan por las paredes como los otros bichos, pero no tengo la confirmación y por las dudas mejor no arriesgarse, que tampoco quiero mosquitos ni cucarachas).
Esta madrugada, mientras la dejaba salir, se me vino a la cabeza la palabra "genuflexión" (posiblemente por su postura antes de bajar hacia al patio). Seguido a eso, se me apareció la imagen de un hipogrifo reverenciando, como muy bien sabemos todos que un debidamente educado hipogrifo hace cotidianamente.

Y en ese momento tuve una de esas epifanías idiomáticas. Según la RAE, "genuflexión" significa "Acción y efecto de doblar la rodilla, bajándola hacia el suelo, ordinariamente en señal de reverencia". Sí, ya sabíamos. PERO lo que entreví fue esto. La palabra se divide en dos: genu/flexión. Flexión no representa problemas. Pero genu- no es un "raíz" que se repita en castellano, salvo en palabras derivadas a ésta. PERO, mis recientes incorporaciones de vocabulario francés me hizo recordar que genou = rodilla. Y en catalán pasa otro tanto, genoll = rodilla. La cuestión no requiere más explicaciones, mind blown y hasta ahí mi epifanía.

Pero mi tren de pensamiento no terminó ahí, claro. ¿Por quéeeeee habiendo al menos dos idiomas primos (no sé cómo se dirá "rodilla" en el resto de la familia romance) que comparten palabras parecidas, "rodilla" es TAN diferente? "Después me fijo en la RAE", me dije a mí misma, y traté de volver a dormir.

¿Qué me dijo la RAE?

Del lat. mediev. genuflexio, -onis.

Del lat. tardío rotella 'ruedecita', dim. de rota 'rueda'

¿Qué entiendo yo de esto?

Que el castellano flasheó cualquiera y prefirió una palabra que más bien describe la función de lo que denomina (y convengamos que de rotella a rótula hay un paso) y que lo más probable es que genou y genoll estén más cerca de la raíz latina.
Lo cual, según el Google Translator, la fuente de todo lo bueno y todo lo malo, es así: genus = rodilla.

Para terminar les dejo un grabado muy bonito del siglo XVII que quería poner en lugar de la imagen del hipogrifo, pero cuando lo agrandé me di cuenta de que era un grifo común y corriente

dissabte, de gener 07, 2017

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month December

These are my favorite pictures from last month.

Of the million pictures I took of my cat, these are the top three

With her eyes opened, for a change

I wish I could fall asleep as she does

Totally out of focus, but isn't that little beauty mark soo cute?
There were several dolly meetings, and they all got registered

Aglae, Makenna and Petra BFFs!

Aglae introducing a middie, Pepita, to Vesta and Nausicaa
Vesta: "What is this thing? Ew, she's touching me!"

Licca girls FTW!
Madeline, Zoe and Maud
And some nature, as usual

Can you believe these colors?

Thank the universe for trees on a very hot and sunny day