dissabte, de juny 25, 2016

ESG: If money wasn't a problem, I would travel to...

If money wasn't a problem, I would love to make a very intense travel through Spain, France and Italy, for a start. 

Thanks to a blog I've been follwing for quite a while (CherryWood, highly recommended if you are into cats, flowers and Japan -it's in French), I've met a lot of medieval villages in France that I'm DYING to meet personally. Since then, I dream with travelling through France, visiting ALL THE PLACES, inch by inch. It's insane, but that's why it's a dream. Here are some pictures I took from that blog

St. Germain de Livet



I would like to do the exact same thing with Spain and Italy, visiting each region, each tiny village. My attraction towards Spain started a few years ago, while studying Argentina's history. Our professor considered necesary to teach us about Spain's history because their political and economic idiosyncrasy were the applied model in the American viceroyalties. Spain's history is extremely rich and conflictive, even today, so I'm very interested in knowing the physical remains of all these events. I would also like to do the path of Santiago de Compostela, because I'm a big medieval nerd and I like visiting big churches. Here are some of the places I would like to know:

Santiago de Compostela




I have the idea that I will find in Italy a lot of information about my ancestors, documents and such., and then I'll finally know if I'm related with Francesco Paolo Tosti or not. Of course, art and history are all over the place, and SO. MANY. CHURCHES. And so many Roman sites! It's impossible to be bored. Here are some pictures:




This vacation would take YEARS to accomplish, so there wouldn't be a comeback date. I can't think of anyone who would make such a commitment with these three countries, but I know at least one person that I believe would like to do Italy with me. I think I'd bring my cat Leti with me, so we wouldn't be appart for so long. And a couple of my dolls, so I could take cute pictures of them in all these magical places. 

I'd like to know so many places, but that would be for another occasion.

dijous, de juny 02, 2016

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month May

A lot of things happened this month, but very few pictures were taken. 

This unstable pile of read books are waiting for a relocation. The thing is, as you can see, all the shelves are over populated.

The monthly "cat in the window" picture. Leti, glancing thoughtfully

I had to make this (and 5 others) painting with ink as homework for college. Is a portrait of my doll Aglae

Leti again, playing hide and seek. We're very close to winter, so she spends most of her time under the covers

And that's it for now! Have a great month :)