divendres, de novembre 04, 2016

ESG: My favorite picture(s) of the month October

October was an incredible super busy month, but I survived it and it was great!

This cactus took forever to bloom, the buds where standing there for over a month, but the wait was worthy! I loved how within the large flower there is another tiny flower

There were a lot of epic cat naps! This spring brought a lot of autumnal vibes with it, which were awesome, in Leti's opinion.  

One morning the garden was looking so pretty and shiny and green that it made me want to take out one of my neglected dolls for a little photo shoot.

That very same morning I had Perla by my side, also seizing de sunshine.

Aaaaand we had which was the event of the year for us: my friend Morena got married! It was just 2 weeks ago but it seems like forever. The entire month was constantly thinking about it, hurrying with preparations. It was the first wedding I actually enjoyed, probably because was the first one I shared with my friends, and of course, because one of us was getting marrieeeeedd!!! It is still crazy, but it happened, and it was awesome.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

What an honor for me to be mention here! I'm glad that you enjoyed the party. Thank you for being there and for the lovely gift.
How do you keep your flowers this beautiful?