diumenge, de febrer 28, 2016

ESG: Show your favourite travel photos!

Hola! Here are some pictures from past vacations in my country.

My dad, my brother and I with Puelo Lake behind us. This picture was taken in February 2009. Lago Puelo is a National Park and, if my memory is correct, is the only lake in Argentina that drains towards the Pacific Ocean. The Park borders with Chile and we hike through the forest uo to that point (with a park guide, of course). The turquoise color of the water is 100% real, because it contains a high level of glacier sediment. Here is a better picture of it:

I don't remember exactly what was going on here, where we were coming from and going to, but it was taken during my 2012 vacation at Metán, where part of family lives. I think we were coming from Salta, but I can't assure it. Was it a cloud? Was it just fog? No one knows.

And last, from my last vacation at Mar de Cobo (with my family from Metán), a picture of the Argentinean sea and some random little girl. The sea and the sea foam there almost look like our national flag :)