dimarts, d’agost 02, 2016

ESG: My favorite picture(s) of the month July

I took a lot of pictures in July, mostly because I had time (winter break!). Here's a little (long) selection of them. 

Some birds on my neighbor's tree, on a very gloomy day. 

Wet and rainy days were the norm during most days of July, so one morning I decided to take pictures of the cutest mosses in my house. Winter is a great season for moss. Here are a couple of them

However, there were some sunny days. The best sunny day in July was a Saturday, that happily coincided my friend's visit in Buenos Aires. Lu lives in Viedma (913,3 km from BsAs, going south) and comes here a couple of times a year. I wanted us to go to Tigre (33 km from BsAs, going north) to see an art exhibition, and I convinced my dad to join us. The three of us went to Tigre, then, and meet the Tigre's Art Museum, located in what it used to be the Tigre Club, a luxurious building bilt in 1912 on the banks of the Luján river. 

My friend Lu on the picture :)

July was a great month!

dilluns, d’agost 01, 2016

Random mentions IV

Curiosamente, una vez en un email escribieron así mi nombre. ¿Se perdona porque lo escribió alguien de afuera que, asumo, nunca vio/escuchó un nombre como el mío? Mmmm
La A está lejos de la O en el teclado...

(yo tampoco entiendo qué quiere decir esto, pero es una traducción literal de lo que se estaba diciendo)

Mad Men, S01 E09 "Shoot"