dimecres, de desembre 07, 2016

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month November

I took a lot of pictures during November, considering it was such a busy month... The new cell phone has something to do with it, probably.

I took this picture of my doll family for a college's project (!!!) (that's when college gets fun!) There were a couple of dolls left out, but these are the main members, anyway

After an extended winter/autumn weather during most of spring, BAM! Summer made a big entrance and every bit of shadow and breeze is well appreciated by the furry members of the family. 


And one morning I had to kill some time, so I spent over two hours wandering around the Botanical Gardens and oh my! I took a gazillion photos. Here are some of my favorite

divendres, de novembre 04, 2016

ESG: My favorite picture(s) of the month October

October was an incredible super busy month, but I survived it and it was great!

This cactus took forever to bloom, the buds where standing there for over a month, but the wait was worthy! I loved how within the large flower there is another tiny flower

There were a lot of epic cat naps! This spring brought a lot of autumnal vibes with it, which were awesome, in Leti's opinion.  

One morning the garden was looking so pretty and shiny and green that it made me want to take out one of my neglected dolls for a little photo shoot.

That very same morning I had Perla by my side, also seizing de sunshine.

Aaaaand we had which was the event of the year for us: my friend Morena got married! It was just 2 weeks ago but it seems like forever. The entire month was constantly thinking about it, hurrying with preparations. It was the first wedding I actually enjoyed, probably because was the first one I shared with my friends, and of course, because one of us was getting marrieeeeedd!!! It is still crazy, but it happened, and it was awesome.

dimecres, de novembre 02, 2016

ESG: Movies I watched in October

This hasn’t been a good year for me at the moment of watching movies.
None of these movies were watched in one sitting. Some of them were watched in more times that I’d like to admit, but this has nothing to do with their quality for entertainment, but to my inability to stay awake during movies at night (I blame college). After this lame preface, I must say the movies I saw make a nice bunch.

Guinevere Pettigrew (Frances McDormand), a middle-aged London governess, finds herself unfairly dismissed from her job. An attempt to gain new employment catapults her into the glamorous world and dizzying social whirl of an American actress and singer, Delysia Lafosse (Amy Adams) (from IMDb)

Miss Pettigrew is hired by Delysia as her social secretary (or something like that), to help her get the gig she’s after and try to make some order in her chaotic sentimental life of three lovers. And, as is set in the title, the entire plot happens in one day (which is a bit crazy considering Miss Pettigrew’s situation around the end, but ok, suspension of disbelief).
The movie is set in the proximity of WW2 (or during, I can’t remember), and most characters, all very young, are living like nothing is happening and everything will be alright. The elder characters, however, say something like “they’re too young to remember the other one” (WW1) and are not quite at ease. 
This movie is based on a same titled novel, written by Winifred Watson, which I haven’t read. 
My entire reason to watch this movie was this guy:

And I like Amy Adams too, but mostly what I said.

Of course I will

I really liked the movie, and on my personal record I gave it ⅗

Lady Susan Vernon (Kate Beckinsale) takes up temporary residence at her in-laws' estate and, while there, is determined to be a matchmaker for her daughter Frederica -- and herself too, naturally. (from IMDb)

I was eager to watch this movie since I first heard of it. It’s based on Jane Austen’s epistolary novel Lady Susan, which wasn’t adapted to screen until now. Let’s say that from the first moment I hated that they change the original title, because Love and freindship (sic) is another epistolary novel by Austen, but ok, whatever
Despite that little pet peeve, the movie is AMAZING. I’m biased, of course, because I think that Austen, specially in this novel, is pure genius, and I’ve loved some of the previous works by Whit Stillman, the director. The movie is, additionally, aesthetically orgasmic. 
Between the little details that I loved loved loved, are the introduction to the characters

that when someone was reading out loud the words appeared on screen

and that so many of the things said were copied word by word from the book (ahh, so satisfying!)
On my personal record, I gave it ⅘

In the 1930s, a Bronx native moves to Hollywood and falls in love with a young woman who is seeing a married man (from IMDb) 

Woody Allen’s annual movie. Bobby (Jesse Eisenberg) from NY, goes to LA trying to find a job in Hollywood with the help of his uncle (Steve Carrell), who runs an agency and hires him as his assistant, and asks Bonnie (Kirsten Stewart) to show him around the city. Bobby falls in love with Bonnie, and when things don’t work out, he goes back to NY to work with his brother, who runs a nightclub and is also a gangster (I loved his subplot, btw)
The movie is ok, sort of bittersweet, and aesthetically appealing as usual, and I actually wanted to watch it because I like seeing Jesse Eisenberg alongside Kirsten Stewart (this is their third film together)
I gave it ⅗ 

dilluns, d’octubre 03, 2016

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month September

¡Hola! September is one of my favorite months because: 1) Spring! which means 2) longer days! and  also 3) It's my birthday!

Here is Robin, looking all pretty and well dressed, standing by herself! We went to the doll-reunion that there's every first Saturday of the month.

My first mezzotint ever! It was just a state-print, to see how the plate was going. I've made a little adjustments here and there, but haven't print it again since.

Every time I take a picture of  Leti, she looks strange in it. The cat I see in the picture is not like the one I see in real life. It makes perfect sense, though, but I really want to take a good picture of her. Usually, she looks the most like herself in profile sights like this one. 
That purple stripe-y thing it's me  

Perla is also hard to capture in pictures, because of her color. Indoor shoots are just impossible. She always looks her best under the sun, where her velvet-ish fur shines and one can see she's not only gray, she has also some brownish streakes.

Sping strikes back! I wish you could smell these flowers! They have the sweetest fragance, and they look so pretty. I want them to take over the whole house, but my mother keeps them on line.

And last but not least, the firsts ginkgo leaves! Three months ago (just at the beginning of winter) I shared a picture of the last leaf. Today it is entirely green again! I like this little tree so much :) 

divendres, de setembre 16, 2016

Random Mentions V

Imagino que el apóstrofe está en lugar de la L faltante...
La foto es de un evento, "Expoestética", que ocurrirá este en la Rural los días 24 y 25 de este mes. ¿Casualidad? Vos, yo, Gachi, Pachi y esos dos pelotudos de allá, todos de libra.
En este caso, sería un  "Instituto de Formación Profesional de Cosmetología y estética". Mientras te enseñan a maquillar, discuten sobre lo bello real y lo bello percibido, y la existencia o no del bello absoluto. O vello absoluto, tal vez, porque la parte de estética en realidad va en minúscula, no debe ser tan importante.
Ah, y por si fuera poco, una rápida y superficial búsqueda en Google (Nuevo periodismo) da como resultado que también existe un gimnasio del mismo nombre, así, con la misma excentricidad ortográfica. Por el momento, desconocemos si están relacionados. No ampliaremos, porque hasta acá llegó nuestro interés. 

dijous, de setembre 08, 2016

Cosas que pienso cuando debería estar pensando para la facultad

Mientras leo un texto sobre coleccionismo visto desde la psicología

  • Pienso en mi colección y en mis hábitos o no-hábitos de colección
  • Pienso en la conversación de la otra vez con Eli donde dije que yo colecciono nombres para futuras muñecas
  • Pienso en los nombres
  • Pienso en Eloise o Eloísa, la próxima muñeca de Eli
  • Pienso en Eloísa cartonera
  • Pienso: antes de la Eloísa de "Abelardo y Eloísa", ¿existieron otras Eloísas? ¿O esa fue la primera?

dimecres, de setembre 07, 2016

ESG: My favourite picture(s) of the month August

What is it about August that it seems such a 'bleh' month? 
I took a lot of pictures this last month, but at least 85% of them were WIP of some clothes I've been doing for dolls. 
Here are a few of that remaining 15%.

I took these two pictures on a sunset. The neighbor's plum tree was just beginning to bloom (we had a fake little spring). I believe it was a day or two after I took this picture that the tree was pruned so it doesn't look like this anymore, which is sad.   

And, of course, the monthly picture of my cat. This time, seizing a bit of sunlight at the window while praying? meditating? regretting her youth shenanigans? 

dimarts, d’agost 02, 2016

ESG: My favorite picture(s) of the month July

I took a lot of pictures in July, mostly because I had time (winter break!). Here's a little (long) selection of them. 

Some birds on my neighbor's tree, on a very gloomy day. 

Wet and rainy days were the norm during most days of July, so one morning I decided to take pictures of the cutest mosses in my house. Winter is a great season for moss. Here are a couple of them

However, there were some sunny days. The best sunny day in July was a Saturday, that happily coincided my friend's visit in Buenos Aires. Lu lives in Viedma (913,3 km from BsAs, going south) and comes here a couple of times a year. I wanted us to go to Tigre (33 km from BsAs, going north) to see an art exhibition, and I convinced my dad to join us. The three of us went to Tigre, then, and meet the Tigre's Art Museum, located in what it used to be the Tigre Club, a luxurious building bilt in 1912 on the banks of the Luján river. 

My friend Lu on the picture :)

July was a great month!

dilluns, d’agost 01, 2016

Random mentions IV

Curiosamente, una vez en un email escribieron así mi nombre. ¿Se perdona porque lo escribió alguien de afuera que, asumo, nunca vio/escuchó un nombre como el mío? Mmmm
La A está lejos de la O en el teclado...

(yo tampoco entiendo qué quiere decir esto, pero es una traducción literal de lo que se estaba diciendo)

Mad Men, S01 E09 "Shoot"

dimarts, de juliol 26, 2016

My Favorite TV Show Intros

¡Hola! Here is a selection of my favorite openings

Sailor Moon
This is the opening for the first season, from the 90's animé. It's in Spanish, as I used to watch it when I was a kid. This opening always gives me goosebumps and teary eyes, because it reminds me of my childhood :)

Pita Ten
I watched this animé while I was in high school. Even though I have no idea what the song says, the tune is super catchy and puts me always in a very good mood

Paradise Kiss
Another animé from my high school years. I watched this one with my friends, and we all read the manga. We were obsessed with it. I even learned the lyrics in Japanese. Sadly, I don't remember them very well. The song is performed by the Japanese singer Tommy february6, and the name of the song is Lonely in gorgeous.

Game of Thrones
Ahhhh this must be the best opening in history!! It is so entertaining to watch, and the music is amazing! This is for the first season, when only four locations are shown. As long as the story advances, more cities are introduced and they have their moment in the opening. You can see here how much of it is changed at the beginning of the sixth season

I remember this opening annoyed me a little when I first started to watch the show, but I grew fond of it at the end, even singing along. One of the things I like the most is, as you can see in this video,  when they show the episode's title, with a little hint of something related to it. This opening is for the first episode, Sassenach. For the second season, some images changed, and part of the lyrics where in French, because the main characters had moved to France. You can watch it here

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
Ahh how much I love this show, and how much I miss it! I can't wait for the second season! I love musical comedies, and the TV format of it is perfect. This opening is super catchy, and I sometimes find myself singing it randomly. There was one episode where they didn't put it, and I was totally outraged, but then they slip the lyrics in a dialogue and it was glorious!

Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt
Females are strong as hell! Another catchy song, another great comedy that, without being a musical comedy, had a lot of great tunes. Does anyone know if there's going to be a third season?

Downton Abbey
It saddens me to know I won't hear this song before a new episode anymore.

This series had me with its opening, both the song and the visual are awesome. Counting down for the second season!

Ahh another song that gives me goosebumps, and it really sets me in the mood for the show. More, give me more, give me more!!

Another great musical comedy for TV and I can't get enough of it (sadly, I've just found out that there won't be a third season). It doesn't really have an opening song, but this is the "Galavant theme".

divendres, de juliol 15, 2016

Random mentions III

Esta vez no es un texto, sino un pañuelo (un text-il) de tela que perteneció a mi madre y ahora es MÍO. 

dimecres, de juliol 13, 2016

Random mentions II

Philippe Jullian, La Belle Epoque. New York, Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1982, p. 14

Por cierto que es un ensayo muy interesante que pueden bajarse de la página del Met. 

dimarts, de juliol 05, 2016

ESG: My favorite picture(s) of the month June

¡Hola! For a change, this month there won't be any picture of cats or dolls. I took some pretty pictures from the garden, so here they are:

The last ginkgo leaf (long gone by now)

I love cactus and succulents, because they're evergreen and they can even blossom in winter. I have a little collection and here are some of the -currently- prettiest