dimarts, d’agost 25, 2015

ESG: Movie Scavenger Hunt

(Para la gente -vos Bells, no sé quién más lee esto- que normalmente se pasa por acá, esto que parece salir de la nada, bueno, sí, sale de la nada, necesitaba un lugar para poner estos videos y responder a esta consigna y no me voy a hacer otro blog para eso, no señor/a. Disfruten (?) )

What is your favourite movie of all times?
I can't ever decide a favorite anything, but just for the sake of this prompt, the last movie I loved with heart and soul was Les Misérables

A movie you would watch at a first date.
A romcom, why not?

The last movie you have seen at the cinema.
Sorry, I couldn't find a trailer with English subs

The most scary movie you have ever seen.
I DON'T WATCH SCARY MOVIES, it's really not my thing
I remember, as kid, getting very scared with the Evil Queen

A movie that disappointed you.
I never saw the stage version of this, so I didn't know much of the story, but the trailer for the movie seemed so interesting! I guess I had very high expectations. although I couldn't say exactly WHAT disappointed me

A movie based on a series.

A movie that takes place in the past.

A movie that takes place in the future.
The last one I saw

Your favourite Disney movie.

A movie you fell asleep while you were watching it.
To speak in favor of the movie, I was not feeling well that day. I plan to re-watch it